Thursday, July 2, 2009

thing 2

I got the technology grant and as part of my grant I am required to blog. So I am doing the 23 things to learn about blogging and the web 2.0 so that I am more proficient in my technology skills.
In my 23 thing lesson, thing 2 covers the 7.5 habits. Out of these, I can identify with creating your own learning toolbox. I get what I need out of a lesson and then make applications to my teaching or needs. For instance, a lesson on health nutrition, I take the information and make it so that my students can relate to their personal needs. Too much information for students often muddies the water and they stop listening.
The hardest of these habits is Begin with the end in mind. I fly by the seat of my pants, yet manage to always get there- and in record time!!!!

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